The Joy of Agility | How to Solve Problems and Succeed Sooner


Dalle 18.30 alle 20.30

The Net Value

Viale La Plaia, 15

Key Insights from Joshua Kerievsky

One of the greatest gifts of my life has been discovering how agility enables excellence. I love finding ways to make slow and awkward things faster and easier, solving difficult problems by being readily resourceful, and adapting to change with speed and grace. It’s the joy of agility. 

Too many people, teams and organizations that adopt Agile ways of working experience dread, rather than joy. They buy or use Agile planning tools, follow an Agile framework, adopt new roles, rituals, and responsibilities, and then achieve very little. The famous coach, John Wooden, called it, “activity without achievement.” There is a better way!

Becoming agile involves knowing the difference between being quick or hurrying, moving with ease or difficulty, being in or out of balance, graceful or awkward, adaptable or rigid, resourceful or resentful.

In this talk, based on my book, Joy of Agility: How to Solve Problems and Succeed Sooner, I will share six essential agile mantras, plus unforgettable, real-world agile stories that will empower you to be quick, adaptable, and resourceful in the face of opportunities and challenges.

Joshua Kerievsky’s Bio

Joshua is the founder and CEO of Industrial Logic, one of the oldest and most well-respected agile consultancies in the world. Since 1996, Joshua and his global team of experts have helped people across many industries leverage the wisdom and power of modern management and development methods. Joshua is an international speaker, and author of the bestselling and award-winning book Refactoring to Patterns, as well as his newest book, Joy of Agility.